Mahfuzul Islam Bhuiyan
Chief Program and Marketing Officer
Mr. Mahfuzul Islam Bhuiyan (Mahfuz) is a certified Scrum Master and automation software test engineer by profession. He has worked in DDC Advocacy and American Institute for Research (AIR) for a long time. Currently he is proudly serving the USA Govt. as a Web Compliance Analyst in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Mr. Mahfuz was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh and migrated to the USA in 2011 when he was 23 years old. He has completed his Bachelor degree in Business Administration (BBA) with a great honor from Stamford University of Bangladesh. He was vice president of Youth welfare club and a joint secretary for Sports Management Team of his campus. While on his educational career, Mr. Mahfuz has earned group leadership and organizational awards for organizing, participating and leading many clubs as well as social events.
In 2008, being a founder and director of Progressive students coaching and guidance (PSCG) he served Bangladeshi students in an effective way. His contribution towards the students and parent’s education was significant. Since 2013, Mr. Mahfuz has been an active member and volunteer of a New York based non-profit organization named Hope For Future Inc. By volunteer serving for this organization he has greatly helped numerous disadvantaged population of South Asia and some other parts of the world to lift up their life. Mr. Mahfuz was also a founder and director of an Information and technology (IT) solution and consulting corporation well known in New York City called ZoomTech Solutions Inc. in 2013. By establishing this corporation, he helped the community’s youth and adult population to accelerate their career in IT field, helped them to place in many Govt. and private organization. Mr. Mahfuz is always committed to serve and dedicates his time and effort for giving back to the community.
Mr. Mahfuz has joined Prio-Bangla 2015 as a volunteer and was helping many sectors with his unselfishness volunteer efforts and helped the organization to successfully present few Multicultural Street Festivals in Arlington, VA. His contribution to the organization was significant for organizing various social, educational, cultural and health fair events throughout the year. For his excellent and dedicated effort, he has taken now a further and challenging sector of Prio Bangla, he is now serving as one of the Board of Director of Prio Bangla. Mr. Mahfuz is overseeing the organization’s finance, social projects and youth programs for career development.
Contact Info:
+(703) 939-2744